what is Qigong and why should you try it ?
In the way of Qigong , Qi is said to be the Chinese word for life energy. It is the animating power that flows through all living things. A living being is filled with it while a dead person has no more Qi as the warmth , the life energy is gone. Through the beauty of nature we sense the qi of the animals, plants , fish oceans and so on and we intuitively unite with them . Human beings are said to be part of nature and they share qi with the rest of the earth .
Gong on the other hand means work or benefit acquired through perseverance and practice. Therefore through QiGong we work with the life energy and regulate the flow and distribution of qi to improve the health and harmony of mind and body .
It is a wholistic System of self healing exercise and meditation , an ancient, evolving practice that includes healing posture , movement , self massage, breathing techniques and meditation
Qigong is a practice because it is not prescribed for a limited period of time but rather a daily practice and anyone can practice Qigong and there are techniques for every age and physical condition and it is ideal exercise for the disabled
There are two categories; dynamic or active qigong(dong gong) and passive qigong (Jing gong). In passive Qigong is entire body is still, the qi is controlled by mental concentration , visualization , and precise methods of breathing
Medical Qigong (Yi Jia Gong) can be prescribed for patients and it can be used as an adjunct to other necessary therapies or as away for patients to maintain optimum health.
Qigong can help women recover more quickly and gain skills necessary to take charge of their own health
Herbalist Anna Athieno
She is student of Classical Chinese Medicine at the NUNM in Portland , Oregon